UCOSP: status report #14

Back on Wednesday, I have committed the "guiding patch" into the repository. I followed these steps, confirmed with the Ingres community that this is how I should be working for development:

  1. Go to https://bugs.ingres.com/ to create a ticket as "New enhancement" for development. The ticket system is not only used for bugs, but also development purpose.
  2. do "svn commit --username=yourUserName /path/to/file.s -m=#123456 your description", where 123456 is the ticket number that you have created
  3. commit 1 fix/small feature at a time
  4. after committing, send off a quick email notifying everyone that something has just committed.

Other than that, I have also been reading on this knowing more about the structure of the Ingres code.

As for my understanding now, the current development is currently focusing on improving the robustness of this following part.
adu – This is where most of the actual expression and function semantics live. ADU contains code for string functions, date functions, coercions, and more.

For the rest of the week, I'll be working closely with Chuck Thibert on the small part that he's also working on.

Posted byA nerdy girl at 6:26 PM 0 comments