Running install.php of Drupal on Ingres

There are a couple of things to be watch out for before you run the install script:

  • Make sure that you have enable the rewrite module in Apache. To do this, uncomment the following line in \\Apache\conf\httpd.conf
    #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

  • We need to make sure Drupal will be able to use the modules. To do so, make sure we have these variables set to the following values, if not, then change them:
    • Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    • AllowOverride All,
    • Order allow,deny
    • Allow from all

  • Since it may take longer than 30 seconds to run the install.php, therefore, we'd better change the maximum execution time in the php.ini located in where the command php -i gives you, to the following line: max_execution_time = 120
  • Make sure that you have the database with the name drupal created in Ingres by the following command: createdb drupal. For Windows user, this will create a database namely drupal with the username system. The command: createdb -uyourusername drupal will create a database with the DBA -uyourusername. By default, for Windows user, createdb -uyourusername drupal, where yourusername is not your windows account name, then you need to type destroydb -usystem drupal or destroydb -uyourusername drupal to delete the database

While you are installing, you should
  • Put drupal as your database name
  • Put username system if your Apache is running as a service, otherwise, put the usename that you've set your apache to be running as.
  • There you go :)

Posted byA nerdy girl at 9:42 AM  


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