Code: Test if Apache is working with Ingres

The following is a piece of code that will help to see if Apache is talking to Ingres


$link = ingres_connect("your_whatever_database_name")
or die("Could not connect");

echo "Connected successfully


Ingres by default creates database with the access type public. If you explicitly put in a user name or password as parameters to ingres_connect for public database, it will fails to connect.

Now that I know Apache is talking to Ingres, next Drupal!

Posted byA nerdy girl at 10:53 PM 0 comments  

UCOSP: status report #11

An alternative way to do what I have been doing for these months, but you don't have the chance to explore the bigger picture like I do, how's that? EasyIngres is a package which automatically installs a PHP development environment on Windows including Ingres 9.2, Apache 2.2.8 and PHP 5.2.9

Posted byA nerdy girl at 8:24 AM 0 comments  

Configuring Apache 2.2 with Ingres on Windows 32 bit XP Home SP3

Configuring Apache 2.2 with Ingres on Windows 32 bit XP Home SP3, aka, UCOSP: status report #10

  • Bring up your command line window by going to start->Run and type cmd. Type "cbf" to bring up the menu for settings of the DBMS Ingres.
    1. Go to DBMS Server->cache Menu, turn the variable 64k caches from "off"(default) to "on".
    2. Go to DBMS Server->cursor_limit, increase from 128(default) to 200.
    3. Go to DBMS Server->system_maxlocks, increase from 50(default) to 1500.
    4. Go to Locking System->per_tx_limit, increase to 1500(default) if it is not.

  • Follow this to check if your Apache is running as a service or locally.
  • If your web server, Apache, is running as a service, then do the following:
    1. Right click My Computer
    2. Select "Properties", then go to "Advanced" Tab, click onto "Environment Variables", go to the section of "System variables".
    3. Use Add/Edit to add:
      II_SYSTEM=C:\Program Files\Ingres\IngresIJ
      PATH=C:\Program Files\Ingres\IngresIJ\bin;C:\Program

    4. Reboot your PC for the Service Control Manager to see the new variables

  • If your web server, Apache, is running via your local Windows account, then do the following:
    1. Go to Start->Run, and type "cmd /k C:\Program Files\Ingres\IngresIJ\bin\setingenvs.bat"
    2. Restart the Apache instance, httpd.exe, by typing "C:\your_path_to_apache\bin\httpd.exe -k restart"

  • Follow this here to see if Apache is talking to Ingres

As I move onto configuring Apache with Ingres myself, I have made some side notes when following this wiki here:

  • The wiki above is specific to Fedora Linux as of date 2009-10-29, ways to configure vary for different types and version of Linux as well as Windows.
  • After following the above on the part of changing locking variables of Ingres, and restarted the Ingres instance, the "shocking green light" of "Primary Transaction Log", and "Dual Transaction Log" maybe become a darker green colour. If you check your own errlog.log in "C:\Program Files\\whatever\\Ingres??\ingres\files\", and there is no problem about changing of the variables, then it should be the Ingres Visual Manager(IVM) that got confused :p, so don't worry about that.

Posted byA nerdy girl at 1:09 PM 0 comments  

Solution: How to check as what does Apache is running on Windows XP

The following description is specific to Apache 2.2 and Windows XP, but other OS should be similar.

  1. Start up your Apache instance. There are two ways you can do so: 1. Click "Start" from "Apache Service Monitor". 2. Run "/your_apache_path/Apache2.2/httpd.exe -k start" from commandline.
  2. Bring up your "Task Manager"(Press Ctrl+Alt+Del), go to Process Tab and look for Image Name httpd.exe. If the "User Name" = "SYSTEM", then you are running Apache as a service, otherwise, you are running it from your local Windows XP account.

Posted byA nerdy girl at 1:09 PM 0 comments  

UCOSP: status report #9

While I'm following getting Drupal on Ingres, I come across another set of tutorials that I found them useful in understanding the bigger picture.

Also, today I have come across some command from IRC that I found them useful to configure a php module on Windows.

Make sure...
  • you have your_whatever_module.dll is located in the path stated in the following line inside the php.ini file: extension_dir=whatever_extension_path
  • the variable inside php.ini is enabled to see any error messages
  • you don't have your path slashes backwards, path such as "C:\php\ext" works but "C:/php/ext" won't for Windows user like me.
  • If you run this command: \whatever_path_you_install_the_php\php.exe -i(and it should give you "C:\WINDOWS" by default), then you need to place the php.ini into that directory given by the command.
  • You see the php module that you want to install by running this command: \whatever_path_you_install_the_php\php.exe -m

Good luck installing :)!

I have got the php_ingres.dll module loaded in php, and next configure Apache with Ingres, then Drupal installation.

Posted byA nerdy girl at 8:54 AM 0 comments  

UCOSP: status report #8

I'm trying to get Drupal 7 to talk to Ingres 10 following this here on Windows 32 bit XP home SP3, with PHP 5.3 and Apache 2.2. When I run the script from http://localhost:8080/drupal-6.14/install.php, and it's stucked on

Database configuration
Your web server does not appear to support any common database types.

I have these 2 lines in my php.ini under Apache


The funny thing is Drupal knows about other extension such as php_mysql.dll, but the php_ingres.dll does not, which are also located in C:\php\ext like php_mysql.dll. I have got my version of php_ingres.dll from Grant earlier today since the dll is not up on ESD for Ingres version 10 yet(Thanks so much for Grant again on this).

Apparently, I'm not the only one of the UCOSP students who are still stucked on this. Sarah and Mary has got away from this problem by installing a Linux VM and Evan is still working on it. ARGH, I really want to get this working soon!

Posted byA nerdy girl at 9:31 PM 0 comments  

UCOSP: status report #7

Here are some useful cheat sheets: 1, 2, that I found when I'm playing around with Ingres database while I'm getting drupal installed again T.T

The IRC channel was really useful, I got an extension for php 5.3 and Ingres fresh built from Grant, when it's not even on ESD yet.

But hey, it feels good when I know I'm on the right track and making progress!

Posted byA nerdy girl at 10:23 AM 0 comments  

UCOSP: status report #6

Today, in order for me to add modules to PHP easily for drupal correctly communicating with Ingres, I have got Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.3 configured and installed independent form Xampp on a Windows 32 bit XP Home with SP3. I have followed these 2 tutorials: 1, 2 for Apache and PHP respectively.

There are also some other points that one need to watch out for while you are going through the above tutorials:

  • By default, Skype listens on port 80, kills it before you install Apache with default values.
  • If you have default values while you are installing Apache, remember to go to httpd.conf(the configuration file for Apache) and replace the following line "LISTEN 80" to "LISTEN 8080"
  • After all the configurations of PHP, you want to see if PHP is correctly installed. You have a php file only has a single line phpinfo();, and loading up that is giving you a blank page, should go back to php.ini under Apache and look for the variable "short_long_tag". If it is "Off", replace that "Off" with "On", since "
  • On completion of installation of MySql, it launches automatically, need to brings up the ProcessExplorer to manually kill the instance before you can proceed with tutorial 3. You can always see the error log in the .err file under data directory inside mysql.

Next, move Drupal onto the newly configured server!

Posted byA nerdy girl at 5:18 PM 0 comments