UCOSP: status report #4

Today the team of students meet up on skype and discussed our common goals, our status updates, and the grading scheme of the term

Grading scheme:

As Andrew has suggested, we should be graded 75% on 5 patches that each student archieved by the end of the term, 5% on communication, 5% for the 2 blogs, 5% pro-rated for meeting attendance, 5% for participation on the mailing list, 5% for evidence of particupation in the community - mailing list posts, IRC interactions, etc.
However, the students concluded today at the meeting that communication is a very important criteria and determining factor for us to be successful. Some student may be able to get the 5 patches done and pass the course without communicating with the rest of the team. We all wish that the other components can be weight higher to stress their importance.

Status updates:

Eva Wong: Working on her understanding of the bigger pictures of the Geospatial code base while she's working on her build. It seems that her drupal was not communicating with Ingres properly, need to go back to fix that within next week.
Evan James Bowling: Installed Apache, PHP, and Ingres seperately under Windows XP, rather than making use of XAMPP. Resolved an issue to get PHP communicating with Ingres. Next week: Intend to have drupal installed and communicating with Ingres and using the GMap and Location modules.
Mary Mootoo, Sara Castaneda- Danaher: Got linux virtual machine installed on windows laptop with the help of Dr. Steven Case.

We are all working on sync'ing what everyone has and make sure that everyone has Drupal on Ingres, next moving on will be building code, meeting again tomorrow at noon.

Related blog posts:
Mary Mootoo
Eva Wong

Posted byA nerdy girl at 9:14 AM  


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